Education 🎓

Learn about learning, teach about teaching, and educate about education.

Are you a high school student who has used Python in a project or class assignment? Are you hacking on something cool in your spare time? We want to hear about it!

Submit a talk to the Student Showcase

Teaching the basics of software development is hard, so it’s best to get them while they’re young. Not just development in Python, but also visual programming languages. The Education Specialist Track brings together both educators and creators of educational tools to discuss ideas to help the next generation of programmers.

What about the student showcase?

This was started a few years ago, as shorter pitches presented by students. It doesn't have to be in the classroom, it can be a personal project.

If you want to submit to the Student Showcase, you can submit here:

Talks in this track:
  • Outbreak Outreach - How COVID broke our program for the better by Renee Noble
  • Python Emergency Remote Teaching by Fernando Masanori
  • How learning python helped me teach C in tertiary education by Shrey Somaiya
  • A website controlled Lego Robot using the Raspberry Pi by Brad Nielsen
  • Raising Heretics by Linda McIver
  • Walled gardens for growing students by Kenni Bawden
  • Student Showcase by Bruce Fuda, Amanda J Hogan, Nicky Ringland