geospatial data and analysis is :exploding_head:

Fri September 04, 09:50 AM–10:15 AM • Back to program
Start time 09:50
End time 10:15
Countdown link Open timer

It feels like it should be easy, but its not... you think, “it shouldn't take too long“, wrong again. This talk is about some things you should think about/read about/know about as you dive into geospatial data. It will present some tools, videos, websites, etc, which might be useful as you forge your own path on the map of possibilities. Just an overall solid 25 minutes of geo-goodnes... with python! The aim of this talk is to inspire you to cross over to the geospatial side of data if you have not already, to give you some pointers if you are on your way, and to make you laugh/sigh at all the stuff you have had to learn to be where you are if you have been at it for a while.

Here is my top level summary: - its hard for everyone, you are not alone. - snacks: - points, lines and polygons - projections (scream quietly into the void) - WKT - file types - "simple" calculations - pantry: - libraries - useful stuff on the internet - quick wins - other software - debugging - dinner: - interesting problems - other fun things

Gala She, her

Gala is head of analytics at Neighbourlytics, a startup in the urban tech space trying to help those in the city-making space to deliver better economic and social value in communities. She is passionate about elevating the voices of those who are marginalised and spends her "free" time reading/ranting about intersectional feminism, questioning and planting seeds of thought into those helping maintain the status quo, and trying to be an overall more empathetic and better human.