Staircase: fast analysis with step functions

Sat September 05, 10:25 AM–10:50 AM • Back to program
Start time 10:25
End time 10:50
Countdown link Open timer

Staircase is a new python package on the data analysis scene, providing a framework built around the notion of step-functions. A rich variety of methods, which follow from the algebra of functions, including arithmetic operations, relational operations, logical operations allow for sophisticated analysis which may otherwise prove challenging or time consuming. In addition, the package provides functionality for univariate analysis, aggregations and compatibility with pandas.Timestamp.

This talk introduces the Staircase package – a new open source package with applications in data analysis. It aims to take the audience on a journey from basics to more advanced usage at a comfortable pace. A tutorial-esque style will be used to introduce fundamentals, followed by four examples abstracted from real world use cases.

If you work with timestamped data and enjoy a little bit of math, mixed with a terrible sense of humour, then this talk could be right up your alley.

Riley Clement

After completing a B.Math and B.CompSci through University of Newcastle, Riley undertook a PhD in Math to pursue his two major interests at the time; integer programming, and remaining a student for as long as possible. Riley is currently employed at Hunter Valley Coal Chain Coordinator (HVCCC) in the Strategic Planning Team (SPT), which indulges his appetite for all things Operations Research (OR), and acronyms. His role at HVCCC has involved applying his skills to the development of simulation models, metaheuristics, and tools for data analysis.